Sunday, February 21, 2010

heroes vs. villians

I love reality tv, probably one of the biggest guiltiest pleasures ever. When Survivor first came out I resisted so hard to not watch or enjoy it. Since I was a huge Real World viewer, I felt RW was the first real reality show and Survivor was taking this title from them.

Well, RW got trashy (although this season in DC isn't as terrible as it has been) so I got into Survivor, hard core into it. This season is the 20th(!!) season of Survivor and is being dubbed "Heroes vs Villians", bringing back all our loved players and the ones we love to hate.

And boy did they deliver. They brought many of my favs and some of my most hated. My absolute favorite is Stephanie. She has been in two previous seasons of Survivor and is best known for outlasting all her original tribe mates in her first season. I think that's fucking hard core. She is most definitely one of the most popular players to have ever played. The only thing that would make her awesome is if she liked the ladies, but alas we can't get all the hard core chicks. Oh, AND she played lacrosse in college. Kick ass for sure!! Take a look at those arms...

Stop reading now if you don't want to know what happened last week.

This past week, Stephanie was targeted to be voted out after the "Heroes" lost yet another immunity challenge. The angle against her was that she was the remaining member of her original tribe when she was first on the show... um, like I stated previously, that makes her hard core and awesome. But yet others did not see it that way and Stephanie was voted out.

I'm not sure how to feel about this. I will of course continue watching even though though my fav is gone, but I don't know who I should root for. Another of my fav ladies is on as well, but she was against my Stephanie, so I'm torn if I should root for her...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

loving some beavers

I recently found this amazing youtube channel, The Beaver Bunch. The premise is every day of the week (Monday-Friday) a different "Beaver" posts on their specified day. Sometimes they have weekly topics that are discussed and sometimes it's just a free for all and they talk about whatever they want to.

I found it via Anything Sarcastic's youtube, which I found via Really? Really?!, which is her vlog on after ellen. Following? Yes? No? Well, it's amazing what you stumble upon while surfing the old internets.

I probs have an internet crush on "Thursday" (see above links of "anything sarcastic" and "Really? Really?!"). I clearly have a thing for long, dark haired beauties. Take a moment.

Back on topic, I'm loving this Beaver Bunch channel. I decided to start watching at the beginning, cause I that's how I roll and feel that I'll be confused or missing something if I watch backwards. I guess I'm neurotic like that.

I'm only in the summer of 2008. Hmm... this is gonna take a while.

The videos I've watched only have posts from Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday up. It appears they have some different or new folk on the newer posts. I'm pretty excited about this. It's only gonna take forever for me to get through it though...

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

lost hotties/bad asses

Like I said in my previous post, I obsessively love LOST. So, in honor of the beginning of the final season I'm gonna post a little LOST magic.

GF and I have a continual argument over which LOST woman is best.

I tend to lean towards who I loved first. Kate. I've loved her since season 1.

GF enjoys Juliet, who joined LOST in season 3. Not that I don't enjoy me some Juliet, believe me I do. She's actually one of the few blonds (sorry, I just enjoy the dark haired beauties) that I think are super hot. Side note, Elizabeth Mitchell has a big lesbian following since she played gay in Gia (Angelina Jolie's lover) and E.R.

One thing that GF and I can completely agree upon is that the LOST women are much much hotter on the island than off. Which is weird cause they're all dirty and scruffy on the island, while all made up when not on the island. When this was discussed, GF pointed out that they're much more bad ass while on the island (reference juliet above with a gun). Amen, sister. Love me some bad asses!

i guess it's been a while...

So when I created this blog I somehow had more time on my hands and now... I don't. My work has been more intense lately, which I will blame on the weather. 

Now first off, I'm from northern OH, so I know snow. But my current state of residence doesn't see a whole lot of snow. Therefore, when it does snow everyone and their mom is at the store buying up all the milk and bread. Since folks here don't really know how to drive in snow school has been cancelled... a lot. Kids at home create more fighting and crisis all around. That's were I come in. I work in a mental health facility as a case manager for children and youth. So.... I'm gonna blame the weather for my insane amount of working.

Other than working, gf and I have been working through the LOST series. We started watching it during the 3rd season and have watched the past 2 seasons when it actually aired. I love LOST, like obsessive, crazy love. Since I clearly have an obsession, I decided that before the season 6 premiere (final season!) I was going to re-watch ALL the episodes. Sigh, that took a lot of time and it was exciting and exhausting. We finished it up yesterday evening before the premiere. Yay!

For the above stated reasons I have been a bit busy and haven't found time to blog. But now I hope to be more free now that the snow has melted, kids are back in school and having (slightly) less problems, and my crazy LOST marathon is over.

My goal is to blog at least once a week. We'll see how that goes...